Instructions to find your Linksys router's IP address

When logging onto the Linksys router's web interface to configure it, the IP address is necessary. If the common default does not function, you must verify the table below because some of the models do not adhere to the requirements. If you are connected to the network of the router, you may also check the steps for determining your Linksys router's IP address.

You'll probably need a login and password to access the online interface as well. If you can find your model in the list, there's a link to the model's default settings. You can also check the Default Linksys password list to try with that one since most Linksys routers use the same default usernames and passwords.

How to find out your Linksys router gateway IP

You may quickly determine the default IP address of your Linksys router if you modified it and can't remember it by following the steps below. (This also functions if DHCP is used to assign the router's IP address.)

Linksys router's Windows IP address

  1. Press Win + r, and the run prompt will appear.
  2. CMD should be typed into the input and entered.
  3. A command window will appear.
  4. into the command prompt, enter the following: Enter the command "ipconfig | findstr /i "Gateway"".
  5. It will display your default gateway, probably something like

Linux search for Linksys router IP

  1. Open a terminal window (Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut on various distributions)
  2. Enter the following command: ip route | grep default.
  3. The IP address of your Linksys router will be displayed to you.

Linksys router's IP address on OS X

  1. Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal will launch the OS X Terminal.
    Or you can type terminal by pressing CMD+SPACE.
  2. Enter the command as follows: Hit Enter after typing netstat -nr | grep default.
  3. You'll see your Linksys router's default IP address, which looks like


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